Michael Millerman

Outside, a storm rages. Most find themselves thrown and disoriented—powerless to fight the destructive force. But inside, we are unmoved.

Calm in the face of chaos, we read, share conversation, and observe the tempest with objectivity and insight.

Heraclitus discerned that "The waking share one world, but the sleeping each dream in their own." Philosophy awakens us to reality and sharpens our perspective. It guides us out of the cave of illusion so we can perceive the world’s true metaphysical dimensions and depth.

But we can’t initiate ourselves.

Membership in the Millerman School is your apprenticeship in enigma, your key to the inner sanctum where illusion is dispelled and storms are silenced. Aeons of pioneering genius, closely studied, can train our minds to pierce the veil.


Decode the mysteries of success.

From Aristotle’s inquiries to Heidegger’s paradigm shifts, from Socratic questioning to Straussian esoteric reading, becoming initiated means gaining second sight. Employing noetic instruments to find knowledge everywhere—and to measure its limits.

These instruments are powerful beyond the realm of philosophy—they can be applied to everyday language. The public statements of CEOs and politicians, the sloppy reasoning of influencers and intellectuals, can reveal secrets, ideological commitments, and structural weaknesses. 

Join us if you are ready to see the world as it is in reality—and live the life of the mind that reality entails.

Join the School

Michael Millerman Portrait

Dr. Millerman is a world expert on controversial thinkers.

An award-winning political philosophy scholar and teacher, Dr. Millerman earned his PhD in Political Science from the University of Toronto in 2018 and is the author of Beginning with Heidegger and Inside "Putin's Brain": The Political Philosophy of Alexander Dugin, as well as numerous articles on education, political philosophy, and geopolitics. He lives in Montreal with his wife and three children.