This is where your philosophical journey begins.

Learn to see further by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Philosophers are those who love wisdom and pursuit it relentlessly. Those of them who write books have left behind a record of the path their thinking has traversed. They leave us as their legacy questions, arguments, answers, ideas, intuitions, aphorisms, new perspectives, profound observations, interpretations of the world, and insight into the nature of all things.

The door to philosophy is open to all those who share the desire for a deeper understanding of themselves and their world, and who are willing to put in the work of reading and thinking carefully.

These select courses are designed to help make it easier for you to get started. They include both classical and contemporary authors, but in all cases, the courses are an introduction to genuine thoughtfulness in a philosophic spirit.

Are you ready to begin?

Choose your adventure.







You can't go wrong. Start anywhere -- and keep going.

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Are you unsure about signing up? Curious about the value you might get? Don't worry. There's a 14-day money-back guarantee for any reason on any course.

Still unsure? Here's what people are saying.

“It's not superficial. It's deep thinking about root's very enriching."


"It's a very high value program."


“It offered a way of seeing and thinking that provided a brand new framework.”


"I don’t think I could have got a better start in my study of philosophy.”


"I could not see what I learned to see from you."


"Michael is one of the most erudite, thorough and bold voices teaching philosophy today"