Who is it for?
The typical Millerman School member is an intellectually curious software engineer, tech CEO, founder or funder. Members tend to be concerned about the crisis of education, institutions, culture, and politics and are looking for deeper resources to help them understand the history of political thought.
In some cases members are already familiar with the names of the big authors we teach, people like Leo Strauss, perhaps because of Thiel's "Straussian Moment" or some other such source, But now they're ready to spend the time, money, effort to understand those thinkers better.
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You get instant access to the full course catalogue, members-only bonus videos, and a private call with me once per quarter. You also get personalized video communications, members-only seminars, and other benefits.
Here are the courses fully included in your Membership fee but available for purchase separately if you prefer.
Plato's Republic: A complete walkthrough of Plato's masterpiece, delivered in ten 2-hour sessions, with extras and bonuses. $499
The Roots of Political Philosophy: Ten forgotten Socratic dialogues covered in ten sessions. Topics include beauty, lies, justice, and tyranny. $479
Aristotle's Politics: A comprehensive walkthrough of perhaps the most famous book on politics ever written. "Man is a political animal." $479
Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra: The Last Man. The Superman. Will to Power. Eternal Return. It's all here. The course covers the entire book. Let's go. $479
Heidegger's Being and Time. Notoriously difficult. But worth the effort. In this course, I do everything in my power to make Heidegger's book on the meaning of being comprehensible. $479
Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy. Heidegger's "Second Masterpiece" goes beyond Being and Time to discuss "another beginning of philosophy." This is a crucially important work for understanding Heidegger. $499
Intro to Heidegger's Black Notebooks. An unorthodox introduction to Heidegger based on selective exposition of his notorious Black Notebooks. You'll learn many key Heideggerian ideas in this strange little course. $99
Heidegger on Plato's Doctrine of Truth. The greatest philosopher of the 20th century, Heidegger, commented on the most famous image in philosophy, Plato's cave allegory. This course is on his commentary. Note that this mini-course is included as a bonus in the course on Plato's Republic! $49
Introduction to Leo Strauss. Leo Strauss is a pillar of the Millerman School. He was the greatest scholar of political philosophy in a long time, if not ever. This course walks you through some of his major essays and ideas. $399
Leo Strauss's On Tyranny. The first course ever released at the Millerman School is on this great work by Leo Strauss, which includes his debate with Alexander Kojeve about the relationship of wisdom to tyranny and time. $249
Dugin's Fourth Political Theory. Discover Dugin's revolutionary manifesto, written by its co-translator, one of the world's leading Dugin scholars. $399
Introduction to Dugin's Noomakhia. This course is an introduction to Dugin's magnum opus, his philosophical analysis of civilizational multipolarity called Noomakhia (Wars of Nous). $29
Rousseau's Politics and the Arts. Rousseau's study of the classic question of how art affects morals/mores and therefore politics. Inspired by Plato. $199
Philosophical Analysis of Manliness. An introduction to the history of political philosophy - ancient, modern, and postmodern - through the lens of the shifting meaning of manliness. $299
Joseph de Maistre on God and Society. Discover this counter-revolutionary classic. $19
van den Bruck on Germany's Third Empire. Perhaps the strongest statement of the German Conversative Revolution written during the Weimar period. $49
Carl Schmitt's Legality and Legitimacy. This course discusses Schmitt's great analysis of the nature, and failure, of the Weimar constitution on the eve of the Nazi ascension to power. $99
Soloveitchik's The Lonely Man of Faith. A book about the duality of man's nature, which hangs between the drive for technical mastery and the need for redemption. $199
Rousseau on the Government of Poland. Rousseau advised the Polish government on their constitutional crisis. His advice is a case study in the quarrel between the ancients and the moderns and an example of classical republicanism at work. $79
Alicibiades I: On the Soul. Plato shows us the most brilliant man and the most beautiful man in Athens discoursing about the nature of rule. This dialogue was once the standard starting point for anyone receiving an education in Plato's philosophy. $9
Get them all with your membership for $3000.